What Organisations Can Do
It's in a Leader's best interest to keep stress levels in the workplace to a minimum. Leaders can act as positive role models, especially in times of high stress, by following some simple tips. If a respected Leader can remain calm in stressful work situations, it is much easier for his or her employees to also remain calm.
Additionally, there are a number of organisational changes that Leaders and Employers can make to reduce workplace stress. These include:
- Improve communication
- Consult your employees
- Cultivate a friendly social climate
Improve communication
- Make communication friendly and efficient.
- Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty about their jobs and futures.
- Clearly define employees’ roles and responsibilities.
Consult your employees
- Show that individual employees are valued through initiatives such as coaching and personal development opportunities.
- Be sure the workload is suitable to employees’ abilities and resources; avoid unrealistic deadlines.
- Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their jobs.
- Consult employees about scheduling and work rules.
- Offer rewards and incentives.
- Recognise an individual's contribution, both verbally and officially, through schemes such as Employee of the Month.
- Provide opportunities for career development.
- Promote an “entrepreneurial” work climate that gives employees more control over their work.
Cultivate a friendly social climate
- Make management actions consistent with organisational values.
- Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees.
- Establish a zero-tolerance policy for harassment.